Flash Header I Created...

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Don't Miss Out! You can get FREE membership, FREE use of tools to create your own FREE flash headers to use for FREE advertising, and you can even make money from this FREE offer! Don't miss out!

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Monday, June 30, 2008

Flashing Ads Free!: Update

Hi Everyone!

Flashing Ads Free!: Update

I apologize for not posting sooner; It's been such a busy hectic last three months! Weddings, my dad & terminal cancer, grandchildren- the born and the not-born-yet's, and just life itself!

I continue with every day passing to realize more and more how much I just love the FreeFlashHeaders program of David Cheyne & Darren Critchley's. I not only have fun creating business headers AND just as many personal headers, but it has been a very rewarding program with unexpected benefits that I actually was aware of- I just didn't expect the results I've been getting!!

The first time I ever saw this message (e-mail from FreeFlashHeaders shown after this paragraph) at the top of a new e-mail I got so excited! You can start receiving these special e-mails right after you sign up just by telling your relatives & friends about how much fun and easy they are to create for many different reasons both personal and/or business..... Here's what the e-mails actually look like:

Congratulations Carol, You Just made a referral
David Cheyne & Darren Critchley

I've advertised this sight less than any other, yet without even trying I've gained a downline over the last 6 weeks! This is very significant for me because I'm involved with other programs with downlines and even after advertising I still don't have signups under me with the others, but this is NOT the case here! FreeFlashHeaders has been so completely different because I have a downline which has come to me slowly but consistently since the day I signed up. The best I can figure is that FreeFlashHeaders is truly as awesome of a program as I've always thought it was and apparently others share this feeling! It's exciting; a free program that sells itself!

What more could I ask for?

What more could you ask for?

So if you haven't checked FreeFlashHeaders out yet, just click on my flash header at the top of this page now! Or click on the link under my signature to get there.
It's fun..... It's creative..... It's free..... It's free advertising..... It's free creative fun!

Flashing Ads Free!: Update

Have fun, Be creative, & Prosper greatly!

United States Citizens: Happy 4th of July + Independence Day!!!
*Be Safe

Most Sincerely,

Carol McCrow

Questions? Want to comment? I would love to hear your comments & would be happy to answer any questions- if I don't know the answer I'll do my best to find the answer for you.

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About Me

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My name is Carol McCrow and I live in the Pacific Northwest. I work at home both as caregiver to my live-in mom and as an independent affiliate and advertiser online. I enjoy meeting others online that are doing similar work. I have much to accomplish yet and am working hard to keep focused and stay on a positive road toward success. I also have an overwhelming compassion for animals- especially the ones we domesticate and teach to rely on us. It means EVERYTHING to me that our pets get the quality care they deserve and need.
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